Woodbridge Home

Welcome to the Woodbridge Group of Churches...

The Woodbridge Group benefice is a group of six rural churches located in the beautiful countryside around Malmesbury, in Wiltshire.

We are part of the North Wiltshire Deanery which in turn is part of the Diocese of Bristol.  The six churches, based in the villages of BrinkworthDauntseyGarsdonGreat SomerfordLea and Little Somerford offer a variety of worship styles from traditional Book of Common Prayer through to very informal contemporary praise and outdoor church.


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Join us for weekday Morning Prayer

We have in-person services of Morning Prayer in church on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – see our Service Schedule page for details.

We lead a virtual service of Morning Prayer at 9am with Malmesbury Abbey via this Facebook Group from Monday to Friday

For the virtual option you can simply follow the video posted in the group, or you can also follow the texts we’ll be using

EITHER: visit the Church of England’s website


and under ‘More options’ select:

·        Type of Service: Contemporary (Common Worship)

·        Time of Day: Morning Prayer

·        Date: today’s date

This option is free to use

OR: download the app ‘Daily Prayer: from the CofE’ from the AppStore
or Play Store – this requires a subscription of £1.49 per year.

Either of these will present you with the text of the service. We don’t use all the text, which is designed for a full-on cathedral experience, so we’ll miss some bits out, but we’ll aim to tell you where we are jumping ahead to!  There are some texts to join in with, a Psalm (or a portion of one), a couple of Bible readings, and most importantly time for prayer. We will have some pre-prepared prayers, but we will also give you some times of silence and may prompt you to pray your own prayers against particular topics. You could also type prayer requests in as comments during this time, but be aware that these will be publicly visible so ensure that any individuals named are OK with this before you do so